The Educational Tour in Molise, organized by GAL Molise verso il 2000 and the DMO of Molise, allowed Tour Operators and others tourism organizations coming from different Italian regions and European countries to discover the richness and attractiveness of the regional territory and to know and test the App developed under the project. Regarding this last action, participants compared the information concerning facilities and sites of touristic interest uploaded in the App with those acquired and experienced during the tour. They checked the App functionalities, accuracy of the information provided, facility of use and usefulness in terms of capacity to support tourists with special needs in planning and enjoying their trips. During the App presentation it was stressed that its purpose is not intended to label the surveyed P.O.I. as accessible or not but to provide detailed information to help travelers in choosing those facilities (hotels, restaurants, museums, etc.) that are best suited to their needs. While, the Educational Tour represented a great opportunity to visit one of the smallest regions in Italy, a treasure chest of beauties in which the tangible and intangible heritage of this little known territory has remained intact. An insoluble combination of natural and anthropic beauties, a cultural heritage that can be discovered slowly by people who love direct contact with nature, residents, traditions and genuine local products. During the tour participants have had the opportunity to visit archaeological sites witnessing the long tradition of human settlements in the area, such as the Italic theatre and temple in Pietrabbondante and the archaeological site of Saepinum dating back to 2nd Century B.C; museum on local traditions (in Campobasso and Jelsi) and contemporary art in Termoli; cathedrals and ancient villages in Larino and Termoli; and street art works in Civitacampomarano. Participants also visited sites of naturalistic interest (Collemeluccio-Montedimezzo Biosphere Reserve which is included in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO MAB Programme); as well as artisan manufactures (Di Nucci cheese factory, bellfounding Premiata Pontificia Marinelli Foundry in Agnone); local wine producing company (D’Uva in Larino); and a trabucco D’Abramo, an ancient fishing machine still working in Termoli. The participants were also greeted by the Councillor for Tourism and Culture Vincenzo Cotugno and the Director of Tourism sector Nicola Pavone at the Fondazione Molise Cultura hosted in Palazzo Gil in Campobasso. Finally, participants enjoyed tasting local typical produce: caciocavallo cheese, pampanella (spicy pork meat cooked in oven on grape leaves), pizz 'e ranedinje (pastry made with corn flour), pallotte cace e ove (bread balls with cheese and eggs) combined with genuine wines made from local varieties (e.g. Tintilia). Thus, the Educational Tour was really an occasion, for Tour Operators and others tourism organizations, to unveil and experience a territory that may become part of the offer for their customers