In the framework of the P.A.S.T.4Future Plus project, part of the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme, the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Albania as the Lead Partner of the Project and all the other PPs organized several workshops B2Bs events with SMEs. The target audience was mainly made up of companies (with particular regard to SMEs), but also representatives of the public sector, university students and partners from Albania, Italy and Montenegro.
On one side, the main objective of the workshops held and organized by the LP and PPs was to discuss and exchange ideas on the P.A.S.T.4Future project and the Capitalization actions in the Interreg IPA CBC IT AL ME Programme. The workshops aimed to focus on boosting accessible and sustainable tourism in the South-Adriatic Area, with a particular emphasis on collaboration between institutions, businesses, and organizations involved in tourism development. On the other side, The B2B meetings on Accessible & Sustainable Tourism aimed to bring together various stakeholders from different countries in the program area, with the main focus the SMEs that operated on the sustainable and accesssible tourism. The discussions focused on creating significant business relationships, fostering cooperation, and promoting innovation in the S&A tourism sector.
One of the main outputs produced during the capitalization activities was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding which aims to promote accessible and sustainable tourism in the Southern Adriatic Area by creating a cross-border network of stakeholders involved in accessible and sustainable tourism. These stakeholders include national, regional and local public authorities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), tour operators, tourist facilities and health care and social service providers. The aim is to match the special needs of tourists and visitors with personalized services provided by a network of welcoming and inclusive communities.