The focus of the activity was the P.A.S.T.4Future project and its main achievement to promote and
strengthen the Accessible and Sustainable (A&S) tourist offer in the cross border area, between
Italy, Albania and Montenegro, through the diversification of tourist products and services.
The project was a significant step toward creating investments in the infrastructure which aim to
make tourism a service of accessible to all, encouraging the increase in the flow of tourists,
especially those with temporary or permanent special needs. This project has brought the example
and practice of creating and offering accessible tourism to individuals with special needs, becoming
the initiator of initiatives aimed at the latter.
The project has served as an instrument to help and facilitate the Ministry of Finance and Economy
as the Lead Partner in its goal for Establishing relations with partner countries and exchanging
experiences related to accessible and sustainable tourism, creating spaces for new collaborations
with these countries, as partners in projects with a similar focus, in order to contribute to growth
and strengthening the institutional instruments of tourism policies, both at the local and cross-
border levels.
The workshop was very constructive and interactive where participants share their thoughts and
their experience related to accessible and sustainable tourism.