The third event to promote accessible and sustainable tourism organized by DMO of LAG Molise verso il 2000, in collaboration with Dimensione Explorer and the Municipality of Cantalupo del Sannio, will include a loop hiking path that, starting from quarters in the countryside around Cantalupo del Sannio and a guided walking tour through the alleys and hidden city gates of the hamlet and the many noble palaces. Cantalupo nel Sannio was considered a very important business hub thanks to its strategic position just up against the Royal sheep Track and the crossing place that climbs over the Matese Massif in Roccamandolfi.
From 12 to 2 p.m. an on-line Workshop will be held to present:
- the results achieved in the P.A.S.T.4Future project;
- the activities carried out during the Educational Tour held in October 2020 in Molise;
-the I level Master in Accessible and Sustainable Tourism: a training pathway to create new profesisonal profiles in Molise;
- the Local Development Plan measures dedicated to bio—routes and training of tourism workers – actions 19.2.10; 19.2.12; 19.2.13;
- Sustainable territories: the various opportunities to experience and promote them.
Here follows the link to attend the on-line event :