Road sign
P.A. 2 / S.O. 2.1 - N. 176


Promoting Accessible and Sustainable Tourism for Future

Project Summary

The main goal of  P.A.S.T.4Future is to promote and strengthen the Accessible and Sustainable (A&S) tourist offer in the cross border area, between Italy, Albania and Montenegro, through the diversification of tourist products and services. Promoting A&S Tourism for the Future implies the development of a slow tourism network, capable of respecting biodiversity, tangible and intangible cultural heritage, as well as tourists’ needs, including people with special needs, through web-oriented technologies and specialized services. This will lead to the creation of a cross border A&S Community Tourist Destination and the increase of tourist flows.



Total budget 1.113.056,25 EUR
EU Contribution IPA co-financing 85%
Duration 2018 / 2020

Main Outputs

-    Cross border Network for Accessible & Sustainable Tourism
-    Strategic Action Plan of the CB Network for A&S Tourism
-    Multimedia and multilingual technology system
-    Cross border Destination Management Organization for A&S Tourism
-    Valorization of sites for people with special needs

Project Partnership
Lead Partner
Ministria e Zhvillimit Ekonomik, Turizmit, Tregtisë dhe Sipërmarrjes (AL) - Contacts: Anxhela Bushati – anxhela.bushati[at]
Project Partners
  1. Molise verso il 2000 (IT)
  2. ESCOOP - European Social Cooperative - Cooperativa Sociale Europea – sce (IT)
  3. Comune di Gravina in Puglia (IT)
  4. Bashkia Malesi e Madhe (AL)
  5. Gradska opština Tuzi (ME)